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We’re All In This Together

We’ve seen numerous posts about the horrendous attack on humanity and what is going on in the world today. The truth is my words feel cheap and small. They will never truly convey how people are hurting. I’ve learned to be quick to listen and slow to speak. But if we don’t speak up it comes off as silence or even racist. We want to be clear that we stand with the African American community and the world in this matter.

The All Kine community is open to everyone no matter race, beliefs, or sexual preference. It’s the reason Joanna and I chose to name our box All Kine for “All Kinds of People” and that is who we are and that is what our community represents. We are here to love everyone and treat them with respect and kindness.

The world will change when we change. I truly believe nothing will be different until we change our hearts and what is causing the hatred on the inside. You can’t change your actions till you address what is causing this hatred deep within.

As a Christian business owner, we will continue to show God’s love to all of our brothers and sisters. We want to be the representation of how the world should love and treat each other. We are all kine!


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