Happy Sunday, All Kine family! February is here, and we have an exciting week of workouts lined up. Let’s dive into what’s in store for the first week!
Key Highlights:
– **Monday**:
Weightlifting: Focus on building to a heavy clean and jerk over 15 minutes.
**Workout**: 5 rounds of power cleans and wall balls, recording only your slowest round.
– **Tuesday**:
– **Workout**: EMOM: 20 minutes of chest-to-bar pull-ups, kettlebell overhead marches (non-dominant side), anchored sit-ups, and kettlebell overhead marches (dominant side). Use the heaviest kettlebell possible while maintaining a tight core.
– **Wednesday**:
– **Weightlifting**: 15 minutes to build to a heavy floor press.
**Workout**: 3 rounds of dumbbell snatches, dumbbell push presses, and double unders, alternating between dominant and non-dominant sides with a 15-minute cap
– **Thursday**:
**Workout**: 2 rounds for total time of burpee box jumps, box step-ups, and running. Don’t forget your running shoes!
– **Friday**:
**Weightlifting**: Clean Pulls, building to a heavy set of 4 sets of 3.
**Workout**: In 12-minutes complete a combination of hang power cleans and toes-to-bar, followed by max calories of either assault bike or rowing.
– **Saturday**:
**Weightlifting**: 10 minutes focusing on overhead squats.
**Workout**: CF Level 1 Benchmark workout of 21-15-9 thrusters and burpees. A great opportunity for coaches to redo this one if you have not yet done it yet!
It’s going to be an impactful week of workouts aimed at building strength, endurance and stamina. We look forward to seeing everyone in class! Have a fantastic week!