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The Weekly All Kine Community & Friends Show: December 15

Happy Sunday! This week focuses on strength training and festive spirit as we kick off our workouts leading up to the holidays. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect:

Key Highlights:

**Monday**: Strict Press practice, followed by Push Press, 200m run, and various plank variations.

**Tuesday**: Deadlift technique and strength work, culminating in a 25-minute AMRAP of ring rows, shuttle runs, and deadlifts.

**Wednesday**: Overhead Squats with an emphasis on form, paired with a workout of overhead squats and anchored sit-ups.

**Thursday**: Hang Power Cleans and Squat Cleans with a focus on technique, followed by a 25-minute workout incorporating cleans and bodyweight movements.

**Friday**: Push Jerk EMOM, concluding with a bodyweight workout of pulls, push-ups, and squats.

**Saturday**: Partner workout featuring alternating box jumps, kettlebell swings, and medball sit-ups.

Points of Performance:

**Strict Press**: Engage core, keep elbows slightly in front, tight core, and ensure a straight bar path.

**Deadlifts**: Push feet into the ground, knees over ankles, maintain a neutral spine, and maintain a tight core.

**Overhead Squats**: Use a light bar or PVC to master form, ensuring hips below knees and knees tracking over toes.

**Cleans**: Focus on upward drive up of the bar and proper shoulder shrug for effective lifts.

**Push Jerks**: Practice technique to differentiate from previous movements.

Christmas Spirit Week:

**Merry Monday**: Wear red or green.

**Tinsel Tuesday**: Christmas socks, shorts, or pants.

**Christmas Character Wednesday**: Dress as a Christmas character.

**Sweater Weather Thursday**: Best or ugliest Christmas sweater.

**Night Before Christmas Friday**: Christmas pajamas or plaid attire.

**Anything Goes Saturday**: Wear whatever festive gear you like!


Participate in dress-up days for a chance to win a prize! Send photos to Coach Hoku for entry.

Wishing everyone a joyful week filled with festive spirit and successful workouts. Let’s make it a great week together! Aloha!


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