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How Are You Going To Keep Yourself Accountable?

For most people, the idea of weight loss comes with an end date. “I just want to lose 20 pounds.” You lose those 20 pounds and then what? You go right back to what you were doing before.

In most cases, those 20 pounds are back faster than the time it took you to lose it. So why is it so easy for us to gain that weight back?

Consistent, long-term weight loss and healthy eating can only be maintained when we use accountability tools to keep us on track long term. Without accountability, we don’t have that little voice saying, “make the right choice, you will be happier later.”

Accountability can come in different forms, and using several will help keep you on track.

Nutrition Challenge– A challenge or one month of nutrition coaching will help you get started, but it is important to continue with monthly coaching to ensure you are on track.
Ongoing Nutrition Coaching – Ongoing nutrition coaching ensures you have a person checking your food logs and helping you work through challenges. Your nutrition coach will also guide you to make the right choices on a daily basis.

Updating Your Goals – So you reached your goals, short or long term. Now what? Revise your goals so you have something to strive for.

Accountability Partners – Find someone who has similar health goals as you. Check-in with each other periodically so you don’t feel alone in the process.

Periodic Biometrics – Monthly or bi-monthly biometrics allow you to make sure that what you are doing is working. Without biometrics, body fat and muscle can change depending on your workout schedule and eating.

Food Logging – You met your goal, so you want to treat yourself. It is ok to have a treat and move on, but make sure you continue to log your food so that you do not go overboard. Food logging shows you the real impact of that treat.

Weight loss should never be the end goal. Keeping the weight off, continuing to build muscle, and feeling good overall can only be maintained with accountability tools.

How are you going to keep yourself accountable?


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